Saturday, October 8, 2011

Knot Your Ordinary Window

Sooo, heeerrrreee it is!!!!

After many hours of knitting and knotting, my window for the Viv Pickle store in Old City is finito!  Figuring out how to create a web that would reach every corner of the space without trapping myself inside was quite a challenge.  But I climbed through and managed to get out alive.  No girl-trapped-in-web performance art this time around.  
My photos don't capture it all, so please please make your way to Old City (3rd Street between Market and Arch) to see it in person!  
...and then vote! for your fav design!  hopefully mine!  don't tell me if you like another one better...  Vote online here (for Viv Pickle) or text 122 to 215.259.8683
Grazie mille!

close up shots...