Friday, December 30, 2011

Instructor Natalie...or should I say Miss Rhoda?

It's official- I have my second teaching gig lined up!  I am psyched to be teaching another class and super duper psyched for it to be at the Main Line Art Center.  They have such beautiful studios and extremely talented artists and instructors- I cannot wait to soak it all in and take some courses myself.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How to...make awesome paper snowflakes

This one's for you, Eliz... :)

I originally wanted to finish this post sooner, but I think my timing is quite perfect.  Snowflakes aren't for Christmas, they're for Winter (or Halloween this year).  I'm hoping we have much more snow ahead of us in the next few months.  Until then, why don't you enjoy this quiet holiday week by relaxing at home in front of the fire with a warm drink and a stack of paper-- ready to decorate your house with AWESOME PAPER SNOWFLAKES?  You're finished with the holiday hubbub- so here's a wintry craft how-to.

What you'll need:

Paper (any size, color, quality- though regular computer paper weight is easiest to fold & cut)
String and/ or tape for displaying these beauties
The paper can be any size, but it MUST be a square.  Fold the bottom right corner up to the left side, crease the diagonal edge and cut off the excess...

Turn the fold so it's facing you and the point is away from you.  Then, fold the triangle in half horizontally like so...

So you don't end up with a square snowflake, you will next fold the triangle into thirds (so the paper is in sixths)  Keep the point where it is and fold the sides in toward the center...

And cut the uneven part off the top...

Cut from the point to make a design in the center, the top for the outer edge, and both sides for the main part of the snowflake...

Then unfold!
The fun thing is, you never really know what you'll get.  I didn't plan on making that star pattern throughout this- I love it!  Every snowflake is unique :)

Try using different size squares to have a variety of snowflake sizes.  And/ or some sweet colored/ textured paper- I love metallic paper.  I didn't have any this time, but I did use silver thread to hang them in my kitchen...
Have fun!!  I would love to see pictures of your creations when you're finished!


Thursday, December 8, 2011

I love paper snowflakes

not mine. I made a couple with Julia and Miranda this year- but the big snowflake night of 2011 will be some time next week!

This year I want to make a couple 3D snowflakes to throw into the mix.
I saw ones like this at Whole Foods- very cool...

And I love these! ...
and in the end, I hope for the apartment to look something like this...
I'll post pictures of the decorated apartment next week!


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Yogi Tea beauty for a gray day

"There is a beauty in your presence."
Have a beautiful day!


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

New adornment: E.M. Jewelry

I love my new ring! ...this jewel/ albino bunny gold ring (worn with the usual suspects)

japanese streets blog
find more from them at gargyle and arcadia !


Shoe love & DIY ider

These YSL heels are pretty awesome.  I love the pink ones.  What if I found a similar pair and made a shaped metal plate to go on top??!  easy, right? :)

(these images are from DESIGNLOVEFEST... I didn't write that comment on the top picture... but I would like to make a font of my handwriting...  Anyone know how to do that?  Let me know!)


Monday, December 5, 2011

Tiny angel Christmas baby

Last Friday night- stayed in with the Eileen- Christmas crafts and cards, eggnog and Home Alone on tv...  good night.  this pretty angel baby took a while, but I'm glad I put my scraps to good use :)

materials used:
body- felt batting
halo & inside legs- copper wire
skirt- pleated chiffon trim with satin ribbon edging
wings- driftwood from the north shore winthrop beach (heather- i've saved it for the past 3 years!)
seed beads for eyes and lips
and a gold ribbon at the back.


do you think it looks like a bird?